Potting Soil vs Garden Soil: Understanding the Key Differences

Potting soil and garden soil are two types of soil that are commonly used in gardening. While they may seem interchangeable, they actually have different compositions and are used for various purposes. Understanding the differences between potting soil and garden soil is essential for gardeners who want to ensure the health and growth of their … Read more

How fast do azaleas grow? 

how fast do azaleas grow

Azaleas are famous for adding color and beauty to any garden or landscape. These stunning plants are known for their vibrant blooms, ranging from white and pink to red, purple, and even yellow. But if you’re considering planting azaleas, you may wonder how fast they grow. After all, you want to enjoy their beauty as … Read more

How to grow gerbera from cuttings

How to grow gerbera from cuttings

The Gerbera can be propagated through seeds, cuttings, or by division of the rhizome. In this blog, we will talk about how to grow gerbera from cuttings and also touch a bit about the other methods. How to grow gerbera from cuttings Step 1. Preparation Before taking gerbera cuttings prepare the site where you will … Read more